Schematic Diagrams
URL http://<schematicsserver-url>/diagrams
Parent Resource Schematic Service
Child Resources Schematic Diagram


The Schematic Diagrams resource represents all the schematic diagrams under a schematic service. It is returned as an array of Schematic Diagram resource by the REST API.

Tip: When there is a large number of schematic diagrams under the published schematic service, use the Schematic Search Diagrams operation to get a reduced list of schematic diagrams by filtering them out via a where clause by schematic folder, diagram template, and so on.

Resource Hierarchy

Layer Name Here


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: The schematic diagrams under the S1_Schematics public sample Schematics service

Example 2: The schematic diagrams under the S2_InternalPlants public sample Schematics service

JSON Response Syntax


"diagrams" : [

JSON Response Example

//Sample response for a schematic service that references two schematic diagrams

"diagrams" : [
"name" : "ESTANCIA",
"id" : "0-334",
"templateIdentifier" : "0",
"templateObjectID" : 3204,
"schematicLayerIdentifier" : 0,
"folderObjectID" : 1,
"folderIdentifier" : "1",
"objectID" : 334,
"createdBy" : "NCA3885",
"lastModificationBy" : "ABL4732",
"lastUpdateBy" : "",
"creationDate" : "21/01/2011 16:07:46",
"lastModificationDate" : "14/02/2011 18:34:46",
"lastUpdateDate" : "",
"lockedBy" : "",
"version" : "",
"extent" : {
"xmin" : 6.0370819091796868,
"ymin" : -8.059234619140625,
"xmax" : 29.909512329101563,
"ymax" : 11.059844970703125,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkt" : "{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20}"
"name" : "OSP1",
"id" : "1-1307",
"templateIdentifier" : "1",
"templateObjectID" : 2896,
"schematicLayerIdentifier" : 1,
"folderObjectID" : 321,
"folderIdentifier" : "321",
"objectID" : 1307,
"createdBy" : "ABL4732",
"lastModificationBy" : "JGF6997",
"lastUpdateBy" : "",
"creationDate" : "14/02/2011 16:26:51",
"lastModificationDate" : "15/02/2011 11:36:58",
"lastUpdateDate" : "",
"lockedBy" : "",
"version" : "SDE.DEFAULT",
"extent" : {
"xmin" : -38.840001443724944,
"ymin" : -12.604235257751316,
"xmax" : -37.278098588012469,
"ymax" : -11.669204960753813,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkt" : "{B286C06B-0879-11D2-AACA-00C04FA33C20}"
"rootNodes" : [